Archive for 2022

‘Casting Glances’ at MAK Center on Sunday, February 20, 2-5pm

Inverted Dome

Please join us for an informal listening event at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture this weekend. An amazing group of artists have selected and/or composed audio tracks that reflect in some way on my ongoing exhibition Inverted Dome. This event is part of the Block Party at the MAK Center’s Mackey Apartments.

Casting Glances at Kristin Posehn: Inverted Dome

Informal listening event from 2-5pm, Sunday, February, 2022, at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Mackey Apartments Garage Top.

Featuring the following playlist of audio tracks selected and/or composed by invited artists:

Kathryn Andrews — Marking Time by Pauline Anna Strom, 2020, 4:28

Imogen Stidworthy — Telahumo by Nicholas Jaar, 2020, 14:20

Rita McBride & Glen Rubsamen — Tubular Bells Flipped and Reversed, 3:16

Alice Könitz — Petrachus Pot (sound recovered from an urn), :43

Peter Wu+ — Music for 18 Musicians: Pulses II by Steve Reich, 1998, 6:10

Jayme Yen — Smashmouth Playing in a Cave, 3:22

Andros Zins-Browne — Fearless Vampire Killers by Bad Brains, 1982, 1:07

Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi — Structures for Sound by Francois & Bernard Baschet, 1963, 5:27

Linda Persson — Spirit Animal (original composition), 2022, 12:58

Steven Chodoriwsky — Crater Canticle (original composition), 2022, 2:50

Holly Childs — Meisou (Dark Slumber) by Geinoh Yamashirogumi, 1986, 5:11

Scott Benzel — Pandaemonium (original composition), 2022, 19:07

Inverted Dome continues through March 5. The exhibition is organized by Aurora Tang, and made possible with support from the Pasadena Art Alliance and the MAK Center Patron Program.

3D modeling the MAK Center gallery


Snapshot from the early days of digital

Byte Shop in Mountain View

“What was the first piece of software you published?” I asked my dad as we chatted in my studio last week.

Around 1977, he wrote Texwriter, an early word processing software for personal computers that laid out and indexed pages. Texwriter ran on 8080 and Z80 computers with 64k RAM; the floppy disks could be purchased at Byte Shop in Mountain View or later via mail through Seymour Rubinstein’s nascent venture MicroPro International. In those days Mike Posehn worked at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and he offered Texwriter to the secretary of his group, who wanted nothing to do with it. Why would they, when they had a sophisticated typewriter capable of saving, modifying, and duplicating multiple pages at a click? And if a typewriter sounds anachronistic, well, the landscape at the Lab was truly exotic. The shadow of the Cold War still loomed, with funding flowing for the technological best-in-class — like an oscilloscope with a Polaroid camera fitted to take a picture of the screen. All data capture was analog, and these beasts had to be elaborately synced and whispered to if one wanted to get the slightest set of calculations off the ground. It was an analog world on the cusp of a new wave.

‘Mirror Chain’ inside a virtual MAK

In conjunction with my ongoing exhibition Inverted Dome at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Mackey Garage Top, I’m releasing a series of fully digital studies that further advance ideas touched on within the exhibition. The first in this series of four works is Mirror Chain.

Mirror Chain

Digital Study #1 (Mirror Chain), 2022

Instead of the inverted U.S. Capitol Dome currently installed within the physical gallery, in this virtual world we find a length of mirrored chain that stretches from floor to ceiling. Mirror Chain references both the concept of a blockchain first advanced by Satoshi Nakamoto in Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, and the proliferation of cryptocurrencies that have followed in its wake. One is also invited to consider the phenomena of supply chains, chains that bind, and chains that are worn in popular culture to signal wealth and status.

Each digital study in the series will be distributed via the MAK Center for Art and Architecture email list, social media, and website.

Opening viewing for “Kristin Posehn: Inverted Dome” on Saturday, January 22

Opening viewing event for "Kristin Posehn: Inverted Dome"

Kristin Posehn: Inverted Dome

Opening viewing from 4-6pm, Saturday, January 22, 2022

MAK Center for Art and Architecture

Mackey Apartments Garage Top

1137 S. Cochran Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019

The MAK Center for Art & Architecture presents Inverted Dome, an exhibition of new work by Kristin Posehn at the Mackey Apartments Garage Top. Inverted Dome is an inquiry into the dynamics of light, technology, and perception generated by public architecture.

The exhibition’s central feature is an installation that reimagines the U.S. Capitol Dome as an inverted, open, and almost unrecognizable structure made of mirror, reflecting back both the environment and itself. Images of the Capitol Dome are continuously propagated by media organizations of all kinds—reproduced on web pages, news broadcasts, and social feeds—as if the building’s image has come to represent structures of power that are otherwise too abstract to locate. The room-sized installation is a container for holding and focusing light and its refractions, becoming a site for reflection on virtual mediation and transparency.

Inverted Dome references historical works of California light and space; augmented realities; architectures of the metaverse; considerations of public and private space; presence and absence; Monument to the Third International by Vladimir Tatlin; cryptography; information theory; and the mediation of power in daily life.

The exhibition includes an installation, a sequence of digital studies released online throughout the duration of the show, and a publication, which together suggest new spatial and experiential possibilities for public architecture.

Inverted Dome is organized by Aurora Tang. This exhibition is made possible with support from the Pasadena Art Alliance and the MAK Center Patron Program.

Inverted Dome, 2022, mirrored acrylic, 71 x 70 x 70 in.

Digital Study #1 (Mirror Chain), Release date: February 10, 2022

Digital Study #2 (Azimuth Wave), Release date: February 17, 2022

Digital Study #3 (Training Phantom), Release date: February 24, 2022

Digital Study #4 (Chimera), Release date: March 3, 2022

Listening Event, Casting Glances with Kristin Posehn: Inverted Dome at the Mackey Apartments Block Party, Sunday, February 20, 2022, 2–5pm

Publication Release, Friday, April 22, 2022, 6–8pm