Sculpture in the wild

No pampin’ last week, I was sick. Looks like this week’s essay will expand on a neighbor’s mysterious backyard sculpture.
No pampin’ last week, I was sick. Looks like this week’s essay will expand on a neighbor’s mysterious backyard sculpture.
In early October 2019, just over three years ago, I visited NYC. The impetus for the trip was to see the Charles Ray exhibition at the Hill Art Foundation. Ray is one of my very favorite artists, and it was a highly unusual show. He exhibited several sculptures (including a never-before-or-since-shown personal work) alongside Renaissance and Baroque bronzes he selected from the Foundation’s collection—all of it arranged in his own idiosyncratic, insightful curation. As an extra treat, many of Ray’s rare, limited-edition exhibition catalogs were laid out in the reading area, and I spent an afternoon browsing. That week also included my first trip to Dia Beacon, and Bard, which had an unusual sculpture double-header with shows by both Haim Steinbach and Helen Marten. Anyway, I could nerd out at length about the great art viewing. After I got back home, I had a lovely dream: I dreamed I saw a very sweet dog that was pregnant with 60 puppies (my dreams tend to have a sense of humor with a bit of absurdist flair). I wrote in my journal that I had so much in me, like, A LOT, that I didn’t know how to express. I had all this potential, but somehow, frustratingly, though I was sincerely doing everything I could think of, I couldn’t seem to fully access it.
It’s good to look back on that time, and it’s amazing how much has happened since. For a bit of contrast, last month I had a follow-up dream: I dreamed I set out a special food for a bunch of incredibly cute puppies—they were so happy about this and digging in—then a couple of them saw me and jumped up to greet me with the most wonderful, enthusiastic, unbridled joy. Their pure joy was such a gift in the dream, it makes me beam. Maybe this joy and energy were the potential in my ‘19 dream, little did I know back then, and three years later, all across my life it’s starting to bound around, wanting to play. So much has evolved for me in miraculous ways since that NYC trip, much to come, and I’m beyond grateful for every moment along the way that’s catalyzed.
October 12, 2022 – January 20, 2023
Granary Arts
Ephraim, UT
Ghost Pearls is an architectural sculpture that explores spaces of connection and mediation. The work is based on research into local and historical forms of lace-making, early digital art, and contemporary virtual space.
The sculpture is made from 1,005 pieces of rigid, individually cut mirror that are woven into an open, lace-like form, and suspended from the central beam of the gallery. As mirror, the work reflects both the viewer and surrounding architecture in an experiential play that raises questions of mediation and virtuality.
Ghost Pearls references lace in the collection of the Fairview Museum; conversations with local and regional lace-makers; historical links between lace, value, and time; the 1964 digital artwork Ninety Parallel Sinusoids with Linearly Increasing Period by A. Michael Noll; and works of the Light and Space movement.
Years ago, on a road trip a friend roped me into getting a “reading” from Zoltar—if you’ve never seen one, that’s the entertainingly-creepy-looking animatronic fortune teller in a glass kiosk that pops up in oddball spots like mini-malls and gas stations—it was so delightful that the printout is still pinned to my fridge. On the way back from Utah yesterday, I happened upon another Zoltar, the whim struck, my latest divination is below. It was a wonderful weekend trip with many moments that give me wings; Zoltar seems to think big stuff is headed my way this month; what little I know for sure is that I’m incredibly grateful for so much good fortune.