Archive for the ‘news & updates’ Category

Interview with Raleigh Barrett for

Thank you to Raleigh Barrett for the thoughtful questions and write-up here.

Kristin Posehn Artist SpotlightPhotograph by Deborah Jaffe

Review of ‘SUBSTRATA’ by Lindsay Preston Zappas

A review of SUBSTRATA written by Lindsay Preston Zappas was published in KCRW Arts & Culture Stories, and is available for view here.

The architecture for the current show, “Substrata” — which is set in a nondescript snowy glade — was designed by Alice Könitz of Los Angeles Museum of Art (LAMOA), another artist-run, shape-shifting exhibition venue. Navigating through Könitz’ virtual pavilion is a warm, light-filled experience that delights with angular and wood-grained surfaces, and surprisingly sends the viewer down a series of spiraling staircases until you finally arrive in a looming cave, artwork dappled throughout. While artworks are splayed throughout all of the many above-ground and sub-terrain levels of the structure, the bottom cave level feels particularly meta — a sound piece by Nikita Gale layers echoed screams, highlighting the eeriness of the space, and a neon work by Kristin Posehn is in the shape of gothic architecture’s flying buttress, yet here it is non-functional, buttressing nothing. – Lindsay Preston Zappas


Kristin Posehn: Architectures

A house made of air and distance and echoes 

An exhibit of works collected by the Center for Art + Environment is on view from February 16 – May 21, 2017.

Posehn – who is a sculptor, writer, and photographer – repositions architecture in the physical world so we can consider the relationships between built and natural environments, between art and architecture, between the real and the fictional. Posehn’s archive materials are part of the Center for Art + Environment’s investigation into the relationships among built and natural and virtual environments. – William Fox, Director



I did a site-specific billboard for the DRESDEN PUBLIC ART VIEW. More here.

the distracted-newspaper


My work for the distracted-workshop was included in the distracted-newspaper. The newspaper is a split/fountain collaboration with Xin Cheng, Jack Hadley, Layla Tweedie-Cullen, Jayme Yen; presenting actions by Chris Berthelsen, Nell May, Anne Fenton, Kristin Posehn. Published for the 26th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2014 – OFF programme, 19 June – 26 October, 2014. Download here.