Archive for the ‘sign’ Category

Manic Castle Hashes spotted in the wild

Back in 2020, I made a set of stickers using images from Manic Castle Hash, cut them from brushed-chrome vinyl on the same vinyl cutter I’d used to make the mural, and sent them out as a bit of art mail to some friends, colleagues, and awesome people. It’s been an unexpected joy to find out where they went, with the evidence still trickling in — only wish I had more of the rather ephemeral snapshots at hand.

Many of the stickers remained pristine on their original backing. But others seem to have been attracted to technological devices, doors and windows, David Bowie, and surfaces within arm’s reach of children. Could not be more delighted with these discoveries.

StickersPhoto by Brandon Herman
stickersPhoto by Steven Chodoriwsky
stickersPhoto by Chris Fite-Wassilak
stickersPhoto by Steven Chodoriwsky

posted in sign, today by practice .

posted in sign, today by practice .



posted in sign, today by practice .

Tough neighbors

But so convenient for lunch interviews.


posted in sign, today by practice .